Pure and Simple Macro Based Meal Plan




Being active is just part of the equation to being fit and healthy. The other part is nutrition.

This customized meal will be full of Whole Foods that you can switch up and enjoy that will keep you efficiently fueled to conquer the day and on the right trajectory based on your health goals.

-8 week macro plan

-sample meal guide

-grocery list

-cardio suggestion

Once payment has been made, please make sure to fill out the Pure and Simple Meal Plan Questionnaire to tell the story that I need in order to customize your plan.

You can pay using the payment system available through this site or via CashApp, PayPal, Venmo using $pureandsimplefitness or Zelle at 513-258-7781. If you choose the alternative payment options, please choose cash on delivery at checkout. 💕

You are one step closer to reaching your goals!! 💫💕


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