Mindful Eating

Holiday Weekend Rebound

So a holiday just passed. And usually around holidays there are gatherings with plenty of foods to eat and a bunch of drinks to have. Its a summer holiday that brings people together for fun, food, and laughter. And most of the time, over indulgence takes place.

We think about our goal at first. We are mindful of the foods we SHOULD eat. But after a drink or two or three, lol, those goals are soon in the foreshadows of our thoughts and we are just happy to have that cake we have “deprived” ourselves of for the past few weeks to lose those 5 pounds and 4 inches.

The following day we feel like crap because we know we didn’t stick to our diets. We had one too many drinks, in my Jamie Foxx voice. And one too many plates. But we had a blast though right?!

It’s fine. It happens. Don’t beat yourself up! I have been there before and it wasn’t always easy to come to the solution that I have. What I always do before I go to a family gatherings or meeting up with friends is stick to my normal eating regime. This way I’m not feeling overly hungry.

I know some people who “fast” the entire day and then devour everything in sight when they arrive. No judgement. I would suggest continuing to eat your normal meals before the gathering. That way when you arrive you aren’t starving. You can enjoy some of the things you don’t normally consume and not feel bad about it the next day. Everything in moderation!

This journey is not easy by any means! But it doesn’t have to be difficult either. Prepare. Plan. And remain consistent with the right habits! It will all pay off, I promise! If you feel like you messed up this holiday just do things right today going forward. You got this!!!