Accountability,  Encouragement,  Humor,  Mindful Eating,  Motivation,  Positivity,  Self-Love

Tips to Get Through Thanksgiving without Bigging Our Backs 😳🀭😜

I get a ton of questions on how to avoid weight gain during this festive food holiday. Although it seems like a no brainer, it really is difficult to control ourselves and show some restraint around this holiday. I have compiled a list of things to do to avoid the big backs that can follow after the food fest coma we like to put ourselves in around Thanksgiving.


Why do we act like this is our last meal? You will have the opportunity to eat again. Maybe it won’t be these same foods, but you will eat again. Stop telling yourself that you are going to pile your plate with every single thing being served. Stop willingly putting yourself in a position to be upset with yourself a week later when you realize you packed on 10lbs in a few days. Fix your mindset today! Remind yourself that this is only one holiday and we get to eat again later, tomorrow, and the days to follow. Take some time to be grateful for that blessing.

2. Eat throughout the day

Don’t starve yourself that day. Mentally, we think because we haven’t had breakfast or lunch that we can splurge on all these foods available to us. Wrong! These foods are high in fat content because of how they are prepared. Therefore the caloric intake is so high based off that fact alone. So try to avoid getting into that trap by eating your normal breakfast and lunch. When it is time to eat your thanksgiving dinner, you will be satiated enough to have your plate and some dessert. This is a sure way to avoid bigging that back!

3. Keep your protein intake higher than normal

Because you are going to stick to Tip # 2 and make sure that you eat breakfast and lunch, please make sure that those meals consist of protein mainly. This way you will stay fuller longer. Protein is a great source of calories because it s the building foundation of lean muscle mass. But its even better because it is lower in calories than fat and helps keep us satisfied, unlike some of our carb sources that leave us ready to eat again within a half hour! You ever JUST ate a bagel or only had a muffin and was ready to eat again shortly after. That’s because those items usually consist of empty calories, no nutrients and tons of added sugar. Avoid that on Thanksgiving Day if you want to stay away from the Big Back Crew.

4. Stay Active!!!

Babe, make sure you are doing some type of exercise or movement the day of and ESPECIALLY the days to follow! You gotta keep moving. You can not stuff your face and then decide you are going to take a break from working out for a week. Nah!!! Get right back to the regularly scheduled programming. If you are not already in a regular active programming get to it! Shameless plug: Join my Fit Babes Group on Facebook where I will be providing a free workout the day after Thanksgiving at 6am ET! Get your workout in and then go Black Friday shopping. JOIN HERE! I have actually been going live with free workouts all November. But this ain’t about that. Stay active. Don’t get complacent at this time. It’s important now more than ever that you keep moving.

5. BE MINDFUL: Stick to one plate and some dessert

Because I know you are dedicated to Operation No Big Backs, I am confident that you will be applying Tip #2 and #3. So that means that Tip #5 won’t be a difficult task, right? Again, you are blessed enough to know that you will be able to eat again. So stick to one plate of the thanksgiving meal. Get all the things you like in small quantities. Make sure you have protein and some veggies! But enjoy the things you like. Next have some of your favorite dessert. In small portions. Gauge how you feel afterward and give yourself time to digest the food you just ate. If you really check in with yourself, give yourself an opportunity to notice that you are actually satisfied and full.

6. Drink water

Sometimes, we ain’t even hungry. We are just bored and excited to see all this scrumptious food around. Drink water when you feel ready to grab that 2nd plate. You should drink water anyway because you need to stay hydrated from the alcohol you may have consumed. Plus, the water will take up space in the belly making you feel full. Calorie free hack, babe! You’re welcome. πŸ˜‰ I suggest this even when you aren’t trying to avoid bigging your back. It just helps with cravings and overeating altogether.

Remember at the end of the day, there will be plenty more occasions when you can taste amazing foods. Don’t let this one day get you in a position where you have gained 10-20lbs and now have spiraled out of control because your cravings are through the roof and self-control has left the building.

Please enjoy, but don’t over do it. You will eat again. Be grateful for that.

There is a ton of humor throughout this blog, as well as great tips. I’m grateful that you have taken the time to read this and I pray that it helps you stay on track. Please feel free to share this with someone you think may need a laugh or some tips to avoid bigging their backs this holiday season. 😊

With love,

Coach Ash πŸ’–

🚨Oh Yeah!!!🚨 Sign Up for the Team No Big Backs for Christmas 4 Week Program to avoid the big backs through the end of the year! πŸŽ‰ Pure and Simple Fitness has you covered. πŸ’–πŸ˜‰