• You All Rock! πŸŽ‰

    Thank you all for your support! The 4th Annual Pure and Simple Fitness Walk was better than I could have ever hoped for! Huge shout out to the following volunteers and service providers who made this event a success! This is a free community event that I started in 2021 during the pandemic when many people were sedentary, gyms were shut down, and feeling connected to others felt impossible. My goal for these walks has always been to get people together and engage in the simplest form of exercise. WALKING!! My hope is to continue to offer this event for free every single year, and this year was no different.…

  • March Madness with Pure and Simple Fitness

    This month has been full of adventure for Pure and Simple Fitness. From Chair Yoga with seniors to mindful movement with Cincinnati Public Schools, to twisting and back bends with tacos. We had a pretty full schedule and I can’t wait to share some of the fun we had with you. Chair Yoga at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Pure and Simple Fitness had the pleasure of meeting some pretty amazing ladies at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and instructing a chair yoga class. We discussed the importance of stretching and moving our bodies so that we can remain mobile and independent. Stretching allows us to continue to do things like reach…

  • Happy New Year 2024 πŸŽ‰ | This Is Our Year!

    It’s that time of year again! It’s that time of the year when we set plans to stop all our “bad” habits and replace them with ones we think are better. We set lofty goals to conquer and hope and pray that we will succeed. We fight those urges to NOT resort to our old ways and find that the urges get harder and harder! About two weeks in we are back to our old ways and feeling guilty! DON’T! This year will be different. Our approach will be different. This year we are going to be intentional AND consistent. Even when we think we messed up, we will get…

  • 5 Sneaky Ways to Stay (or Get) Active While Working From Home

    How many out there are working from home and find getting some movement in difficult?? πŸ™‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ OR…. You work in an office setting and you find it hard to be active through the day! Girl, same! I recently started working from home and boy did I notice a drop in my activity level! The amount of steps I had in day dropped drastically. I found myself sitting A LOT! And my water intake dwindled. After a couple weeks of this, I said nope! Let me get my life! And I want to share with you what helped so we can all win! I use to work downtown so there was…

  • My Son Was Having 15 Seizures a Day but Fitness Saved My Life

    I remember the first time my son had a seizure. It was THEE scariest moment of my life. My heart dropped. My world stopped. And I all I could say at the moment was β€œOh God!” repeatedly and held my son until my daughter came to help. Talk about shock! (Thank God DJ was there!) Life started changing drastically! He was having 10-15 seizures a day sometimes. I was on my fitness journey during all of this and I remember my coach at the time saying ”I guess you will be taking some time off.” Almost in a way that granted me the β€œok” to stop the journey. And I…