• Bad Carbs vs Good Carbs

    Carbs have a bad reputation. So much so that people will try to eliminate carbs out of their diet all together! But before you go on a No Carb Ever diet, let’s learn a little more about them. All Carbs Are Not Bad 💥 Carbohydrates, also known as carbs, play a critical role in our daily bodily functions. Carbs consist of sugars, starches, and fiber. This nutrient category is the body’s main fuel source and should be consumed for proper bodily functions. The word carbohydrate comes from the chemical makeup of the nutrient food group. The chemical makeup includes carbon, water and oxygen, hence “carbo” meaning carbon and “hydrate” meaning…

  • Happy New Year 2024 🎉 | This Is Our Year!

    It’s that time of year again! It’s that time of the year when we set plans to stop all our “bad” habits and replace them with ones we think are better. We set lofty goals to conquer and hope and pray that we will succeed. We fight those urges to NOT resort to our old ways and find that the urges get harder and harder! About two weeks in we are back to our old ways and feeling guilty! DON’T! This year will be different. Our approach will be different. This year we are going to be intentional AND consistent. Even when we think we messed up, we will get…