• You All Rock! 🎉

    Thank you all for your support! The 4th Annual Pure and Simple Fitness Walk was better than I could have ever hoped for! Huge shout out to the following volunteers and service providers who made this event a success! This is a free community event that I started in 2021 during the pandemic when many people were sedentary, gyms were shut down, and feeling connected to others felt impossible. My goal for these walks has always been to get people together and engage in the simplest form of exercise. WALKING!! My hope is to continue to offer this event for free every single year, and this year was no different.…

  • March Madness with Pure and Simple Fitness

    This month has been full of adventure for Pure and Simple Fitness. From Chair Yoga with seniors to mindful movement with Cincinnati Public Schools, to twisting and back bends with tacos. We had a pretty full schedule and I can’t wait to share some of the fun we had with you. Chair Yoga at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Pure and Simple Fitness had the pleasure of meeting some pretty amazing ladies at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and instructing a chair yoga class. We discussed the importance of stretching and moving our bodies so that we can remain mobile and independent. Stretching allows us to continue to do things like reach…

  • Bad Carbs vs Good Carbs

    Carbs have a bad reputation. So much so that people will try to eliminate carbs out of their diet all together! But before you go on a No Carb Ever diet, let’s learn a little more about them. All Carbs Are Not Bad 💥 Carbohydrates, also known as carbs, play a critical role in our daily bodily functions. Carbs consist of sugars, starches, and fiber. This nutrient category is the body’s main fuel source and should be consumed for proper bodily functions. The word carbohydrate comes from the chemical makeup of the nutrient food group. The chemical makeup includes carbon, water and oxygen, hence “carbo” meaning carbon and “hydrate” meaning…

  • Top 3 Most Common Myths about Yoga

    When I tell people that I am a yoga instructor I hear a lot of hesitation follow behind that. People are really intrigued by it. People have some awareness around it. People want to try it. But there’s almost always a follow up behind it where they instantly find reasons (limiting beliefs) they try to provide to convince me why they “can’t” participate in yoga. So I am here to dispel some of the myths that I hear. And I am here to tell you why you are totally ready to do yoga RIGHT NOW! Myth number one: “I am not flexible.” That’s perfect! You don’t have to be flexible…

  • 5 Habits You Need to Transform Your Body Now!

    1. Stop making excuses This is really the one thing that’s holding us all back! We say we don’t have time. But we spend countless hours watching other people get fit and eat health on social media. We say we don’t know what to eat, but we have countless resources to help us with that. We have people in our lives, (Coach Ash being one of them 🤪) who can help guide us in the right direction. Once we get rid of the excuses and begin to utilize the resources we have. But motivation by watching others doesn’t give you results. Action does! Consistent action. 2. Plan ahead The one…